EM Range
Basic range suitable for flow rates from 0.5L/hr to 150L/Min. Not suitable for mounting display on flowmeters.
Small Capacity Oval Gear Flow Meters
ETL’s small capacity flowmeters provide precise volumetric measurement of small quantities of liquids or low flows found in a broad range of industries including automotive, aviation, mining, power, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, paint, petroleum & environmental. Flow rates from 0.5 to 550L/hr and pressures up to 600 bar.
Medium Capacity Oval Gear Flow Meters
ETL medium capacity flowmeters provide precise volumetric flow measurement of clean liquids found in a broad range of industries including automotive, aviation, mining, power, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, paint & petroleum. Flow rates up to 150L/Min.
Large Capacity Oval Gear Flow Meters
ETL’s large capacity flowmeters are suited for receipt verification, loading, un-loading & distribution management at petroleum depots, mine sites, marine & aviation facilities. Flow rates up to 2500L/Min.
Mechanical Display Flow Meters
Range of oval gear mechanical meters with range from 1/2″ to 4″, 4 digit mechanical register.
Peek Material Oval Gear Flow Meters
These compact rugged oval gear flowmeters are designed to give high performance with a low cost of ownership. These meters are happy measuring simple water like products as well as lubricating fluids.
Custody Transfer
Medium & large capacity meters can be supplied in the form of custody transfer assemblies incorporating peripheral devices to meet the requirements of industry and relevant approval bodies.