SMARTMIX VCN (Variable Concentration Network) offers Never-Before-Seen levels of control over your coolant. Accurately mixed coolant is automatically dispensed at precisely the right concentration for each machine.
Topping up little and often minimises consumption whilst maximising fluid performance.
An efficient mixing process creates a tight emulsion with a small oil droplet size.
Lights-out production runs can go all night – even all weekend – with no risk of low coolant ruining your plans.
Operators won’t have to top their machines up ever again! That means no more floods, no more manual handling, and no more complaining!
SmartMix VCN Connects to Our e-FM Fluid Management Portal
This allows for top-up concentrations to be automatically adjusted in response to measured concentration in each sump (e-FM accepts manual concentration readings submitted via our app, or via automated concentration sensors where available).
SmartMix VCN logs coolant consumption per machine tool, and this data is stored alongside other useful current and historical data (Coolant pH, concentration, temperature, tramp oil, and level). This creates a powerful suite of information, showing trends and highlighting areas for improvement.